
Section: OATH Reference Manual (3O)
Updated: 26 August 1991
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string (stringA, stringG) - a character list  


#include <oath/string.h>  


The string is a list that only holds characters. If an obj other than a character is inserted into a string, it will simply "fall through". Additional functionality appropriate for lists of characters is available. The stringPos is a companion class that represents a position in a string.  


string : list : deq : fifoQueue : seq : queue : bag : obj

string is an abstract type.  


stringA stringA:: isa (objA)
stringA::isa(O) returns O if it is truly a string; otherwise it returns Nil.


stringPosA stringA:: makePos (int = 0, int = FALSE)
L.makePos(I) makes and returns a stringPos that indicates the I'th position in string L (I=0 is the first position). If the last argument is TRUE, then the new stringPos is const.
characterA stringA:: operator [] (int)
S[I] returns the I'th character in string S.
characterA stringA:: operator [] (stringPosA)
S[P] returns the character in front of pos P in string S.
int stringA:: isEqual (const char*)
S.isEqual(C) returns non-zero if the char * C contains the same character values as the string S.
int stringA:: isEqual (stringPosA, stringPosA)
S.isEqual(Start, Beyond) returns non-zero if the characters between the stringPos Start and Beyond are the same as those in the string S.
int stringA:: isEqualAnyCase (stringA)
S1.isEqualAnyCase(S2) is the same as S1.isEqual(S2), except case insensitive.
int stringA:: isEqualAnyCase (const char*)
S.isEqualAnyCase(C) is the same as S.isEqual(C), except case insensitive.
int stringA:: isEqualAnyCase (stringPosA, stringPosA)
S.isEqualAnyCase(Start, Beyond) is the same as S.isEqual(Start, Beyond), except case insensitive.
int stringA:: operator <= (stringA)
int stringA:: operator < (stringA)
int stringA:: operator > (stringA)
int stringA:: operator >= (stringA)
const char* stringA:: charStar ()
S.charStar() returns a null-terminated char* containing the values of the characters in string S, up to the first NUL.
void stringA:: charStarX (char *, int)
S.charStar(C, N) will write up to N of the character values in S into the char* buffer C.
int stringA:: hash (int)
S.hash(K) returns a positive int computed from S using hashing parameter K. For hashing, the returned value should be modulo'd to the desired size. For example, int HashValue = S.hash(K) % 255;.
int stringA:: hash ()
S.hash() is the same as S.hash(4), but implemented more efficiently. The best distributions will be obtained if the modulo value is odd. For example, int HashValue = S.hash() % 255;.
int stringA:: hashLower (int)
S.hashLower(K) is the same as S.hash(K) except that it hashes uppercase letters as if they were lowercase.
int stringA:: hashLower ()
S.hashLower() is the same as S.hash() except that it hashes uppercase letters as if they were lowercase.
int stringA:: hashUpper (int)
S.hashUpper(K) is the same as S.hash(K) except that it hashes lowercase letters as if they were uppercase.
int stringA:: hashUpper ()
S.hashUpper() is the same as S.hash() except that it hashes lowercase letters as if they were uppercase.
stringA stringA:: applyX (characterA (*)(characterA), stringA)
S1.applyX(F, S2) takes each character in S1, passes it to F (a function taking a characterA), and inserts the resulting character into the string S2; then it returns S2.
stringA stringA:: applyX (stringA (*)(characterA), stringA)
S1.applyX(F, S2) takes each character in S1, passes it to F (a function taking a characterA), and inserts each of the characters in the resulting string into the string S2; then it returns S2.
stringA stringA:: make (characterA (*)(characterA))
S.make(F) is the same as S.applyX(F, S.makeEmpty()).
stringA stringA:: make (stringA (*)(characterA))
S.make(F) is the same as S.applyX(F, S.makeEmpty()).
stringA stringA:: lowercase ()
S.lowercase() converts all uppercase letters to lowercase.
stringA stringA:: uppercase ()
S.uppercase() converts all lowercase letters to uppercase.
stringA stringA:: makeLower (int = FALSE)
S.makeLower() is the same as (+S).lowercase(), except that if the parameter is TRUE, then the new string will be const.
stringA stringA:: makeUpper (int = FALSE)
S.makeUpper() is the same as (+S).uppercase(), except that if the parameter is TRUE, then the new string will be const.
stringA stringA:: operator << (objA)
S << C inserts character C at the end of string S and returns S. If C is not a character, then it will fall through.
stringA stringA:: operator << (char)
S << C makes a character from char C and inserts it at the end of string S, and then returns S.
stringA stringA:: operator << (bagA)
S1 << S2 inserts each character in bag S2 into the string S1 and returns S1. If S2 contains any non-characters, then they will fall through.
stringA stringA:: operator << (const char*)
S1 << S2 makes a character from each char in the null-terminated char* S2 and inserts each character into the string S1, and then returns S1.
ostream& operator << (ostream&, stringA)
F << S puts each character value of string S to into ostream F and returns F.
istream& operator >> (istream&, stringA)
F >> S gets every character from istream F and inserts each into string S, and then returns F.


virtual int stringG:: isEqual (const char*)
virtual int stringG:: isEqual (const stringPosG*, const stringPosG*)
virtual int stringG:: isEqualAnyCase (const char*)
virtual int stringG:: isEqualAnyCase (const stringPosG*, const stringPosG*)
virtual int stringG:: lessThan (const stringG*)
virtual int stringG:: moreThan (const stringG*)
virtual void stringG:: stringInsert (const characterG*)
virtual void stringG:: stringInsert (char)
virtual void stringG:: stringAppend (const stringG*)
virtual void stringG:: stringAppend (const char*)
virtual const char* stringG:: charStar () const
virtual void stringG:: charStarX (char* C, int N) const
virtual int stringG:: hash () const
virtual int stringG:: hash (int) const
virtual int stringG:: hashLower () const
virtual int stringG:: hashLower (int) const
virtual int stringG:: hashUpper () const
virtual int stringG:: hashUpper (int) const
virtual stringG* stringG:: applyStringX (characterA (*)(characterA), stringG*) const
virtual stringG* stringG:: applyStringX (stringA (*)(characterA), stringG*) const
virtual void stringG:: lowercase ()
virtual void stringG:: uppercase ()
virtual stringA stringG:: makeLower (int) const
virtual stringA stringG:: makeUpper (int) const
virtual ostream& stringG:: ostreamInsertion (ostream&) const
virtual istream& stringG:: istreamExtraction (istream&)
static int stringG:: hash (const char*)
static int stringG:: hash (const stringPosG*, const stringPosG*)
static int stringG:: hashLower (const char*)
static int stringG:: hashLower (const stringPosG*, const stringPosG*)
static int stringG:: hashUpper (const char*)
static int stringG:: hashUpper (const stringPosG*, const stringPosG*)


OATH(3O), list(3O), stringPos(3O), character(3O)  


Brian M. Kennedy (Computer Science Center, Texas Instruments Incorporated)  





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